Department of Fundamentals of Computer Science

Wrocław University of Science and Technology

Department's staff

Head of the Department of Fundamentals of Computer Science at Wrocław University of Science and Technology is prof. Jacek Cichoń. Deputy head of the department for the teaching is dr. Maciej Gębala


  1. D.Eng. Przemysław Błaśkiewicz, assistant professor
  2. D.Eng. Dominik Bojko, assistant professor
  3. Prof. D.Phil. hab. Jacek Cichoń, professor
  4. M.Eng. Dawid Dworzański, assistant
  5. D.Phil. Maciej Gębala, associate professor
  6. D.Eng. Zbigniew Gołębiewski, assistant professor
  7. D.Eng. Karol Gotfryd, assistant professor
  8. Eng. Marcel Jackiewicz, assistant
  9. D.Phil. Rafał Kapelko, assistant professor
  10. D.Phil. Marcin Kik, assistant professor
  11. D.Phil. Przemysław Kobylański, assistant professor
  12. D.Eng. hab. Łukasz Krzywiecki, associate professor
  13. D.Phil. Przemysław Kubiak, assistant professor
  1. Prof. D.Phil. hab. Mirosław Kutyłowski, professor
  2. D.Eng. Anna Lauks-Dutka, assistant professor
  3. D.Eng. Jakub Lemiesz, assistant professor
  4. D.Eng. Wojciech Macyna, assistant professor
  5. D.Phil. Krzysztof Majcher, assistant professor
  6. M.Eng. Marcin Słowik, assistant
  7. M.Eng. Patryk Stopyra, assistant
  8. D.Eng. Małgorzata Sulkowska, assistant professor
  9. D.Phil. Przemysław Szczepaniak, assistant professor
  10. M.Phil. Mateusz Wasylkiewicz, assistant
  11. D.Eng. Wojciech Wodo, assistant professor
  12. D.Eng. Marcin Zawada, assistant professor
  13. Prof. D.Phil. hab. Paweł Zieliński, professor


  1. D.Phil. hab. Krystyna Ziętak, professor emeritus

PhD students

  1. M.Eng. Bartosz Drzazga, PhD student
  2. M.Eng. Franciszek Stepek, PhD student
  3. M.Eng. Krzysztof Tałałaj, PhD student
  1. M.Eng. Błażej Wróbel, PhD student
  2. M.Eng. Szymon Wróbel, PhD student


Pracownicy administracyjni są pracownikami Wydziału.

  1. M.Phil. Aldona Łozińska-Cyrska, administrative assistant
  2. M.Phil. Wioletta Siwińska, administrative assistant
